

rustimage processing

Every day, a staggering 14 billion images flow through digital systems.
How should our software handle these images?


With so many images, it’s no wonder that image processing is a critical part of modern software development. Editing and processing images is a common task in many applications, from simple photo filters to complex image transformations.

I was inspired to create RIL after working on an image captioning pipeline that simply renders text on top of images. This shouldn’t matter if the image is static or animated, but I found that most image processing libraries neglect animated images, with me having to special-case the cumbersome handling of them in my code.

Project Overview

RIL is an acronym for Rust Imaging Library, a name derived from the Python-equivalent PIL (Python Imaging Library). Inspired by the intuitive interface of PIL, RIL aims to provide a high-level, flexible, and accessible image processing experience to Rust developers.

RIL is a general-purpose image processing library, supporting all sorts of image formats, operations, and functionality. I designed RIL for not just static, single-frame image processing—which is what most image processing libraries are already good at—but for animated images such as GIFs and APNGs as well.

RIL Demo

Since its inception, RIL has grown to almost 100 stars on GitHub and has been downloaded nearly 30,000 times on crates.io, the official registry for Rust packages.


  • Support for encoding from/decoding to a wide range of image formats
  • Variety of image processing and manipulation operations, including drawing, filtering, and transformations
  • Robust support for animated images such as GIFs, treating them equally to static images
  • Robust and performant support for fonts and text rendering


RIL is written in a way to be as efficient and performant as possible. I benchmarked it with a few common image processing frameworks (namely image-rs and ImageMagick), and the results were quite promising.

View benchmarks

Decode GIF + Invert each frame + Encode GIF (600x600, 77 frames)

Performed locally (10-cores) (Source)

BenchmarkTime (average of runs in 10 seconds, lower is better)
ril (combinator)902.54 ms
ril (for-loop)922.08 ms
ril (low-level hardcoded GIF en/decoder)902.28 ms
image-rs (low-level hardcoded GIF en/decoder)940.42 ms
Python, wand (ImageMagick)1049.09 ms

Rasterize and render text (Inter font, 20px, 1715 glyphs)

Performed locally (10-cores) (Source)

BenchmarkTime (average of runs in 10 seconds, lower is better)
ril (combinator)1.5317 ms
image-rs + imageproc2.4332 ms
Code samples

Open an image, invert it, and then save it:

use ril::prelude::*;

fn main() -> ril::Result<()> {
    let image = !Image::open("sample.png")?; // notice the `!` operator


or, why not use method chaining?

    .not()  // std::ops::Not trait

Create a new black image, open the sample image, and paste it on top of the black image:

let image = Image::new(600, 600, Rgb::black());
image.paste(100, 100, Image::open("sample.png")?);

you can still use method chaining, but this accesses a lower level interface:

let image = Image::new(600, 600, Rgb::black())
    .with(&Paste::new(Image::open("sample.png")?).with_position(100, 100))

Open an image and mask it to a circle:

let image = Image::<Rgba>::open("sample.png")?;
let (width, height) = image.dimensions();

let ellipse =
    Ellipse::from_bounding_box(0, 0, width, height).with_fill(L(255));

let mask = Image::new(width, height, L(0));


Open an animated image and invert each frame as they are decoded, then saving them:

let mut output = ImageSequence::<Rgba>::new();

// ImageSequence::open is lazy
for frame in ImageSequence::<Rgba>::open("sample.gif")? {
    let frame = frame?;

    // or...


Or, how about we encode each frame immediately without storing them in memory?

let mut stream = ImageSequence::<Rgba>::open("sample.gif")?;

// Use the first frame to initialize the encoder
let mut output = File::create("inverted.gif")?;
let first_frame = stream.next().unwrap()?;
let mut encoder = GifEncoder::new(&mut output, &first_frame)?;

// Then, write the first frame into the GIF

// Now, invert each frame and write it into the GIF
for frame in stream {

Open an animated image and save each frame as separate PNGs as they are decoded:

    .for_each(|(idx, frame)| {
          .save_inferred(format!("frames/{}.png", idx))

Render text:

let mut image = Image::new(512, 256, Rgb::black());
let font = Font::open("Arial.ttf", 36.0)?;

let text = TextSegment::new(&font, "Hello, world", Rgb::white())
    .with_position(20, 20);
